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Integrative Health Solutions

Immune System Boosters and Balancers

Dr. Stephanie Andrews, ND

Autmun brings bright coloured leaves, pumpkin pie and the beginning of cold and flu season. It is important to get a jump start and support your immune system to help prevent frequent coughs and colds. The most important way to prevent the spread of coughs and cold is to wash hands frequently with soap and warm water.

Certain herbs also help to balance the immune system and are safe to take daily for longer periods of time. These herbs are called adaptogens. Some of my favourite adaptogens are Astragalus, Reishi mushroom, Cordyceps and Eleuthrococcus. You can take these herbs in capsule or tincture form to help reduce illness during the winter. Deep Immune is a combination of several adaptogenic herbs and is very helpful for people who get chronic colds. Homeopathic preparations like Oscillococcinum can be taken at the first onset of flu-like symptoms to reduce the intensity and duration of the flu. I personally like to take it whenever I feel run down or people around me are getting sick to prevent getting the flu.

When you do get sick, herbs like Echinacea and Elderberry help to boost the immune system and fight invading viruses. These herbs are not generally recommended to be taken for extended periods of time (more than a few weeks), because they can over stimulate your immune system. Combination mushroom remedies are also a wonderful way of fighting off viral infections. MyCommunity’s Comprehensive Immune Support is a super mushroom combination for cold and flu season.

To a wonderful autumn and winter!

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